A Month Later…

by dmottier

So as of yesterday, it’s been a month since I arrived in Madrid.

I’m kind of bad at this whole updating-your-blog-once-a-week thing…. I keep wanting to post new, unforgettable details about my experience abroad, but I’m still trying to decide what signifies as “exciting enough to share.” So, instead of boring you with what I’ve spent every waking second doing since the last update, I’m going to make a bulleted list. Bear with me, I promise these will get better with time.

  • I went to London. 30/jan/14- 02/feb/14

Soleil and I acted like tourists with my cousin Sofia, celebrated her friend Sarah’s 21st birthday and shared some laughs with my dear friend Kayla. It was a short trip, but we managed to see most of the city and have never felt so classy (we went to a piano bar). Obadiah, you were missed!


Soleil and Sarah at Megan’s Cafe


Waddup, Big Ben?

  • Classes actually begun…. 03/feb/14

The first week of classes was equivalent to syllabus week in the US. We did the whole introduction thing (way less cheesy in Spanish, btw), struggled through the “what’s expected of you” speeches and talked a whole lot about Franco… (okay, a little different than in the US). Since then, we’ve actually covered a heck load of material and students (including myself) are finally starting to answer the teachers’ questions. There’s nothing more awkward than being stared at by a Spanish professor looking for a reaction to his/her statement when you have no idea what the eff is even being discussed. This happens on a daily basis to everyone in my Law class. At first it scared the crap out of us, now we’ve embraced it and say what we can… even if we sound like idiots.

  • I got sick. 10/feb/14

After a weekend of doing ABSOLUTELY nothing exciting (aside from seeing Valle de los Caidos and playing Uno with Carmina’s grand daughters), I caught a cold. Fortunately, three of my classes were canceled last week so I had time to rest up. Not so fortunately, I had two mandatory class field trips that not only required my undivided attention and participation but also two hours of sitting through a rain/snow storm. Let’s just say, I could have been in better condition while exploring the Reina Sofia and discussing the significance of Picasso’s Guernica. Not to worry, Carmina’s home remedies got me back to normal in no time.


Uno with la nieta


Valle de los Caidos


Soleil struggling in La Sierra Guadarrama


Freezing our bums off in El Puerto de Navacerrada


El Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama


El Palacio de La Granja




Class time in Segovia (Medio Ambiente)


Walking to see the Alcácar de Segovia. (Arab fort and inspiration for Walt Disney’s Cinderella Castle)  

  • I went to Toledo. 16/feb/14

Soleil, Isa and I were lucky enough to spend another Sunday with Alvaro and Héctor; this time exploring the medieval city of Toledo. Our practically professional tour guides, with a friend of theirs who’s a local, made sure we saw every square inch of the ancient city. It’s a beautiful place, probably my favorite one so far, and the company wasn’t too shabby either. We’re pretty spoiled to have such wonderful friends show us around, even though they pick on us every chance they get (eh hem, Héctor).


Héctor telling Isa lies about Toledo… and Isa believing them


Admiring the cathedral


The Sunday crew. Plus Carlos, minus Isa!

That’s all I’ve got for now. It’s getting a lot easier to hear and speak Spanish all of the time. I no longer feel mentally drained every time I leave a classroom… well, at least not as drained as I felt before. Soleil and I have got some awesome trips planned ahead, so stay tuned. Oh, and I finally have a phone again. American number works for iMessage, but for those of you looking for me on Whatsapp and Viber, add my Spanish phone number to your contacts +34 671 26 19 01.

Ta ta for now,